Wednesday, September 7, 2011

End Of An Era

Tonight, I am filled with a lot of emotions. You would think something crazy or radical happened to cause me to be in this bittersweet moment. To most, it's just a Wednesday. To my Fusion community, it's a major end of an era and the beginning of something amazing.

After 10 years, tonight was our last service in what is known as the Fusion building at Victory World Church. As of September 14, 2011, we will be moving to the main sanctuary. For me, it's kinda hard to wrap my head around that fact that for the past 2 years, I have spent every Wednesday (except for when I was in Peru), with my community of 300+ young adult believers going hard after God. I met surrendered my life to Christ at the stage in that building on September 9, 2009. I was baptized in that building. My son was baptized in that building just a week ago. I met some of the most amazing and life changing people in that building. I witnessed supernatural moves of the Spirit in that building. I watched courtships begin and proposals happen in that building. I have prayed so many prayers, worship to God in song so many times, cried my eyes out so many times, fell in love with my Savior over and over again, spent days and nights in that building.

My life was saved in that building. I met God in that building.

As emotional as I am about leaving a place that holds so many memories, I am beyond excited about moving to the larger space. Our Fusion services have been at max capacity for weeks now, with a regular attendance anywhere from 300 to 350 people. We have literally outgrown the Fusion building and more and more people keep coming. God is doing something amazing and I believe that this move is in His perfect timing. As Fusion began to outgrow our home, He was preparing a space for us to continue welcome 20 somethings from all over the city who are hungry for His truth.

To go from a room of 300 to a sanctuary that holds 1,400 will seem a bit weird and intimidating. Our ministry has some work to do go spread the word that there is place people can come if they want to have a true encounter with the living God and have their lives changed forever. We are not worried about how many people can fill the sanctuary but how many people will be set free from bondage. How many people will open their heart to receive God's love. How many people will surrender their life to Christ. How many disciples we can create who will continue to make more disciples and carry out the Great Commission. How many people will live a radical, sold out life for Christ because they experienced Him first at a Fusion service.

Tonight is the end of an era, but it is the beginning of something so much greater.

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